Brief Introduction
I am Bartlomiej Biszkont (preferred Bartek) and I am a game developer/programmer. 
Ultimately, I am a creative person and I enjoy expressing this through ways such as: programming, drawing, designing, 3d modelling, and rendering. 
Though, it just so happens that videogames include all of the above, so games development has become my passion since I was 7 years old.
Technical Background
Programming Languages: 
          C++, C#, HLSL, LaTeX
          JavaScript, Lua, Python

          Visual Studio, Rider, Atom
          Blender, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, OBS
          Discord, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Github
          Unreal Engine 4, Unity
          Love2d, Phaser, Node.js
          Monogame & Nez
          Clickteam Fusion 2.5 (& its C++ Extension SDK)

          Google Drive, Docs & Forms
          Dropbox, Trello, Overleaf
BSc Games Development      September 2018 - Present (Expected July 2021)
Initially, we were taught the fundamentals with JavaScript and Phaser, which then led to learning project management and iteration with Unreal Engine and C++. The course, taking place in an art university, gave us many opportunities to bring out our creativity and experiment, but also required us to scientifically research our own topics of interest, plan carefully and document our development.
Marks: 88%, 80% and --% (Expected July 2021)
L3 UAL Games Development      September 2016 - June 2018
The course first taught us general knowledge around games development so that later we can choose a specialisation. Using engines like Game Maker and Unity, we developed games under the university-founded company Rizing Games, which built an environment similar to a game studio's. 
Grade: Merit
Achievements: Nominated for BAFTA's YGD Game Making Award
Nomination for BAFTA's YGD Game Making Award      2017
I have been nominated by BAFTA for a game I was developing while at Cambridge Regional College. While I did not win, I will never forget the experience and the people I was able to meet. 
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